46th Annual Mental Health Breakfast

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In this episode, Pastor Brad interviews Jesslyn McCutcheon, who has lived with bipolar 1 disorder for the past 24 years. Jesslyn shares her journey of coming to terms with her mental illness and realizing her calling to minister in this area. Last year, she began speaking at different churches about creating stigma-free environments and the importance of spirituality and faith in mental health. Jesslyn is an active advocate for NAMI, speaking for their IOOV and NAMIFaithnet programs, and is studying to become a mental health coach through the American Association of Christian Counseling. She is also working on her first book. Jesslyn’s story is a powerful testament to living a fulfilled life despite serious mental illness, emphasizing that with God’s plan, nothing can stand in the way of achieving your goals and dreams. For more about Jesslyn and her work, visit her website at jesslynmccutcheon.com.

Don’t forget to share this episode with friends on social media and explore more resources available at Fresh Hope (https://freshhope.us/). Tune in to additional episodes on our website: https://freshhopeformentalhealth.com/.

Podcasts and Speaking Events:
Sparking Change and Transformation

Jesslyn accepts speaking invitations along the East Coast of the United States, from North Carolina to Florida. However, she is willing to negotiate travel arrangements to other regions. Please connect with her if you want to invite her to speak on your podcast or share her experiences at your event. 

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Fighting Goliath: Slaying the Giant of Bipolar Disorder.

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Slaying the Giant of Bipolar Disorder, as well as Book Launch Team opportunities, Guest blog opportunities, and more!


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