The Fighting Goliath for Mental Illness Mission

Fighting Goliath for Mental Illness helps people of any age, race, religion, or income who live with a mental illness overcome the struggle and fear of not living a fulfilled life based upon biblical scripture, our own lived experience, and mental health resources. 

Fighting Goliath for Mental Illness is dedicated to normalizing conversations around mental illness. Embracing God’s call to empathy, Jesslyn McCutcheon, a motivational mental health speaker and singer, passionately supports individuals struggling with their mental health. Through engaging content and insightful resources, she strives to shift the focus from the illness to the person behind it.  

Join Jesslyn as she breaks barriers and fosters understanding on the journey toward mental well-being. 

Jesslyn portrait photo

Hang On

What Kind Of Love Is This

Silly Girl

Verses and Quotes

The only one who can truly satisfy the human heart is the One who made it.” — Lois Evans

Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also create music.” — Ehssan

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” — Isaiah 40:31 NIV

You have to make room for God in your life. Everything you bring to God is small. For when it gets placed in the hands of God, this is nothing by a thing.” — Dr. Tony Evans

When we rest in the knowledge that God is in charge, we can exchange our anxiety for peace.” — Dr. Charles Stanley

“My church and I were so blessed to hear Jesslyn speak on her incredible story and the powerful work of her ministry. She is very articulate, compassionate, and down-to-earth in sharing effective strategies to living a fulfilling life. Not only is she a wonderful speaker, Jesslyn is a very talented singer. Truly amazing and inspiring!”
Anne Kelly
Mt Carmel Baptist Church
Mental Health Oasis

“We were honored to interview Jesslyn and share with our listeners her life story. The Lord worked in Jesslyn’s life as a testimony of what it looks like to bear one’s cross and use it to give God glory. Though, heart-wrenching, her struggle with mental health has brought her to a place to speak truth into the lives of those who also share similar experiences. With a heart for God’s people, Jesslyn directs us to the fullness of who we are with spiritual and practical advice. We left encouraged that even though in this world we may have struggles, in Christ, we may have peace knowing He has overcome the world!”
— Ryan Willert, D. Min.
The Caffeinated Christian Podcast

“I had the privilege of interviewing Jesslyn about her music and right away I could tell she was genuine and had a heart to see people come to know the Lord by using the talent and gifts God gave her! And because of her first-hand experience and struggles with mental health, I can see her excelling in this new ministry. May God bless you Jesslyn as you help others.”
— Kurt Myers
Winston-Salem, NC

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